Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chill in the Air ... Yes! Winter is here...

The augmenting of the weather forecast ...
A slip of tongue for many ...Despite the many devices ...
Man has no control over Nature's fury.
A man made disaster ...
Ready to unfold ...
I can sense it in the air ...
A chilly nip in the air ...
Yes, Winter is here ....
Bringing with it a harsh and cold reality.

Leaves falling from the trees ...
Sentinels standing guard ...
till when is the question ...
Smog in the air ...
Crunch goes a sound beneath my feet ..
Yes, Winter is here.

Squeezing their arms together ...
People running around with their daily chores ...
No smiles ... just frowns ...
Every man, woman and child in despair.
And, here I am ...
Cocooned in my shell ....
Typing away words ...
Hidden in my lair.

I get ready to tackle the World tomorrow...
The Big Bad World ..
The little Red Riding Hood in me ...
Wears her Monkey cap ...
Wraps her woolen scarf around her neck ...
Her polo neck sweater ...
Her trademark dress ...
Jeans and boots to match ...
Yeah! All set to tackle Winter ...
All set to tackle despair ..
All set to tackle the Wolf in Sheep's skin.
Yes! Winter is here ...
So am I ...
All ready to enjoys the chill in the air.

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