Sunday, November 3, 2013

He was never Real ...

How can one expect reciprocal romance....
When one is in love with a Robot?
A Bot, that never was real ...
No real emotions ...
Just  a thought ... nothing but a Bot ...
Feelingless heartless Fellow ...
Out for his pleasure ...
But no Real Heart to give.

If his love was Real ...
It would have conquered all ...
His Fears ...
His inhibitions ...
The distance ...
The social taboos....
No, it never was real.

The dissonance in his voice ...
The dissent in his attitude ...
Resonate ....Ricocheting against the walls ...
Like bullets and hitting me Bulls Eye.

If his love was true ...
He would have gone after her confession ...
And, wiped her tears ....
Nothing was ever true ...
Not his words nor his feelings....
It was just Lust he had ...
No real feelings ever.

He just needed someone to pass his long insomniac nights with ...
She was just a means to fulfill an ego ...
Of a diseased mind and soul....
A willful troubled soul seeking solace ...
In the warmth of his heinous thoughts.

He was never Real ...
It wasn't about her ever ...
Always about him.

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