Saturday, November 16, 2013

My honesty cost me my love ...

I lost him...
Because I was way too honest with him ....
I lost him to ...
My outright bluntness...
I lost him to my conscience ...
I lost him to my fidelity.

I lost him to my forthright bluntness...
I lost him to my Honesty.

My honesty cost me my love.

I wait upon him ...
For it to dawn upon him ...
Had I wanted , I could have gone on with lies ...
As he does ...
But, No! I couldn't...
I woudn't lie to get his love in my kitty.

My love is an obsession ...
For him, I would do anything ...
Anything to keep him happy ...
If it pleases him...
That I stay away ...
I keep away ...
It hurts me to see him with others ...
But, yet deep within ...
A nagging feeling says ...
 he too wants me ...
Yet, his abominable male ego ...
Stops him from committing.

Yes, I hurt him ...
He hurt me too .,..
 He hurts me each day ...
 I take it with a pinch of salt ...
I drug myself to unconsciousness ..
I drink my blues away ...
I try to forget him ...
A next to impossible task.

My honesty cost me my love.

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