Friday, October 25, 2013

Conversations I have with myself ...

Lots of banter and bashing ...
Plenty of wishful thinking ...
Feelings of joy and ....
A Touch of sadness here and there ...
These are a couple of ...
Conversations I have with myself.

Small talk...
But profound ....
They keep me busy and occupied ...
What if I had done it this way ...
What if I had done it that way ...
So many ifs and buts ...
But a thread of convo indeed.

It's like a whole truckload of musings ...
Lots of nonsense that ultimate make sense...
At least am capable ...
Of putting it down here...
Penning my thoughts ...
For when Am no more ...
My little ones will know me more.

Time has stood still for me ..
Eons of years ago ...
I still stand by the bay ...
In my thoughts ...
Letting the winds of time sway ...
The Skirt billowing ....
The wind swept hair ...
The drops of sea mist in the air ...
Feeling it all in my thoughts ...
Conversations I have with myself.

I dream of a school of thought ...
A place that allows ...
Children to be kids ...
Childhood never taken away ...
A rebel of sorts ...
I sway the bastions of Education ...
A system that ruins us all.

Conversations I have with myself ...
Keep me busy ....
Otherwise I would have languished ...
In the perennial quest ...
Of seeking myself ...
Hiding behind a Man.

A decision taken ....
A Whole new World opened ...
Lying wide open...
Ahead of me ...
A vast ocean ....
All I need is to take another plunge ...
Seek a new direction ...
Else stay put and fade away ...
I would rather ...
Have a conversation with myself...
And move into another dimension ...
Seeking another sense of joy...
A place of worship for the mind ...
A place untouched by mankind.

Conversations I have with myself ...
Make me who I am.

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