Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dreams are Delicate ...

Wish life were as simple as we think ...
What's the harm in dreaming?
Life is simple...
We make it complicated ...
Dream on my Love ....
In Dreams ...
We are the  Kings  and  Queens ...
We are the pawns in real life ...
Director of our destiny unknown.

Dreams are indeed delicate ...
Emotions welling up deep within ...
Dreams are were we meet ...
Dreams perish ...
We don't ...
We move on ....
Dreams turning to nightmares ...
Visions that flash ...
And, gone in a moment ...
Memories of sweet talks ...
Whispers of sweet nothings ...
Yet, we Dream on ...
Hoping someday ...
Life were as simple as a wish ...
As flamboyant as a Dream.

Our Dreams make us ... Or Break us ...
But, Dream on my love ...
That is what binds the two hearts ...
Too a common thread ...
A common thought ...
LOVE ...
Pure sinful love ...
Pure blissful Love ....
love in all its glory ...
Just Love and nothing at all.

Dreams are delicate ...
So is our Love ...
Handle with care ...
For that is all we have.

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