Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The words that launched a Warfare ...

Simply put...
Unkind but fairly appropriate ...
The words that made the Conman ...
Walk away ...
Launched a war ...
That none has been ...
Able to resolve.

When she found his truth ...
All she spoke was her mind ...
Was it so bad, that he had to walk away?
It was his reality ...
Wasn't it the truth ...
She spake?
Then, why make an issue about it?
Just accept your responsibilities ...
Accept the fact that you played with her feelings ...
She will forgive you...
And. walk away.

It is justice, she seeks ...
For she was wronged ...
For no fault of hers ...
You, you and YOU ...
The one hanging in Mid Air...
Yes YOU ...
Were responsible for her miseries ...
Unfolding upon her ...
One by one ..
Raping her conscience ...
One by One ..
A Gang rape of sorts ...
But, of a Woman's vanity of thoughts.

A disdainful act by YOU ...
Yes YOU ...
And, yet you walk free ...
She allows you to walk free ..
For, she once loved you ...
And, never got around to hate you after that.

She owes her heart and soul to your ...
Beating retreat ...
You the ghastly coward ...
You are the one to blame ...
For the tears streaming down her cheeks.

The Words of Love ...
Turn bitter with moments passing by ...
They turn into a poison ..
Tipping the Warheads forth.

The long wait ...
Makes it worthwhile ...
Her passion and patience ... His wile and vice...
A war of words ...
Diluted only whence they meet ...
But, the Twain shall never meet...
For it is a War.

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