Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Story unfolds ...

The mind traverses all boundaries ...
To be one with one so lonely ...
Middle of the night ...
Dogs howling ...
Two hearts meet in the silence of the eerie night ...
In a virtual World...
Be known to all ..
Yet the morbid reality of ...
Two set apart Hearts ...
The reliability of intentions unknown.

He came in like the ...
Dark Knight ...
In the middle of the Twilight hour ...'Sweeping her off her feet ...
Into the black velvety night ...
Flying amongst the stars ...
Clouds misty and humid ...
They look down upon the night lights on Earth ...
Blissfully unaware of their destinies ...
Entwined torso to mind ...
They wander in a land of the unknown love ...
They so cherish in their imagination.

Suddenly, lightning whiplashes ...
Their wings cut off ..
They plummet to Earth ...
Separate zones ..
Separate lives ...
Ground Reality striking them hard ...
Stark reality looking them hard in the face ...
She braces herself for the wrath ...
He walks away ...
Fearing the World...
She looks once at his retreating frame ...
And, Smiles , shrugs ...
And, wipes that one tear ...
That writes off his destiny ...
A smudge that increases in size ...
Leaving him exposed.

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