Thursday, January 31, 2013

It was fun while it lasted ...

Precisely... Ummmm .... about Three hours ...
Just driving on the Western Express Highway ...
Doing nothing at all that would make anyone sit upright ...
Yet, sit straight they did ...
When they became aware of our so called nearness ...
Pure relation ...
Friendship; twisted ...
Three hours nonstop blabbering ...
You driving; me talking ...
No coffee no hot chocolate ...
No dinner as thought of ...
No hunger, no thirst ...
Just two new friends talking ...
Getting over past differences ...
And insecurities ...
Yet, in that innocence ...
Our society ...
Our orthodox ... narrow minded society ...
Our hypocritical society ...
Found food for negative thoughts...
Two new found friends had to separate ...
Just to appease the insecure minds and hearts ...
Same people who claim to be modern ...
Same people who claim to be fast forward ...
Were waylaid by thoughts unheard of.

It was fun while it lasted ...
Found and lost a friend within Twenty Hours ...
But the priceless memories ...
They will ; last till my last breath.

Thank you for being there ...
Thanks for the experience ...
It was beautiful and pure ...
A relation which many crave for ... seek ...
Yet very few experience...
It was fun while it lasted.


He said ...

He said TRUST ME ...
I blindly trusted him ...
Look what that trust has got me into ...
A sleazy match of verses ...
A sly infested Time Line ...
All I can do ...
In defence ...
Nothing much ...
A much ado about nothing ...
But yet , he achieved ...
What he had set out to gain ...
My trust ....
My words ...
Vanish into thin air...
No explanation given for this tragedy ...
A tragedy of errors ...
A tragic shearing of my head ...
A tragic baring of my soul ...
Lying Naked for all to see ...
An evil smile on your face ...
Making me Public Property ...
TRUST ME he said ...
I trusted and ...
Lo Behold! Shifting sand ...
Shifting between my fingers ....
None to hold on to...
Tears streaming ....
I still try to walk tall ...
Looking behind if he follows ...
No, a trust broken ...
Once again ...
A stoic silence to numb it all ...
Bearings lost ...
My ship tosses in the stormy sea ...
No land in sight ...
Just water water everywhere ,,,
But, not a drop to drink.

I opened up to him ...
He read the book of my life ...
And, flushed it down the drain....
The dawn that day ...
Brought an end to a laid back life...
Changed the course of everything ...
Imposing and overpowering ...
Overbearing to some extent ...
My life became an open book for all to read.

He said TRUST ME ...
And he threw me in front of the Wolves.

He said TRUST ME ...
And he threw me in a pit of venomous Snakes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

VERMIN ... Described for you ...

Vermin pl n harmful animals; parasites etc. (Collins Dictionary)

That's the official meaning for a LAYMAN .... But I guess you ain't so Lay ... nor an easy Lay ... Nor a Laid back white collared person ....

You pry deep ... harmless or harmful .... I know not ... Your actions and sudden interest in the word Vermin ... makes me frown and think .... Why this interest?

It may be a harmless inquiry or a deliberate attempt to make me commit HARAKIRI .....another word you wanted explained .... Hmmmm, makes me wonder; everytime I write something... do I need to explain every word used to anyone showing an interest in particular words?

Do you question Shakespeare or Hemingway? Do you inquire of Robert Frost, what he meant when he said he had 'Miles to go' ... Nah!

Well! Are you aware of Japanese culture? Harakiri is a word from the Japanese language meaning Suicide....
Honour suicide ... In shame...

It's something like going in search of King Solomon's mines for the promised Gold hidden there .... meeting Vermins in the jungles of Africa and the vermin infested mines ... So many committed the Harakiri of going in search for it ... never coming back ... lost and never found ...

Do not get lost in my words ... Move on ...

She is but a minion ...

Minuscule... Minute particle .....
Minion of the society ...
Not of my kind or type ...
I abhor any mention of her ....
I am aghast at her stoniness...
Appalled at her meanness ....
Absolutely against ...
Any kind of interaction with her.

Apparently little .... very small ...
Small in my eyes and...
That of the World ...
Does it matter?
Your existence ... is non existent ...
What is it that sets you apart ?
Nothing ... You are a nobody ...
You shall die as one ...
With no honour ... nor valor to speak of ...
Despicable actions ...
The World loathes you ...
Lechers desire your cleavage ...
Nothing else ...
Vermin, rodent ...
Your mortal being has no soul ...
You are but despondent.

Minion on the holy Earth ...
A shame in the name of Womanhood...
Motherhood ...
Sisterhood ...
You deserve no mercy in words too.

When you feel used ...

Yeah! This one's for you ...

When you feel that someone has used you for his/her ulterior purposes, shut up and move on. there's no use crying over spilled milk. People have this habit of gaining your trust and then screwing you up completely. So, Just forget them, mentally kick them in the butt and move on.

You are used again and again, used and abused, yet you give them another chance to use and abuse you ... Why?

Move on Gal, they are no more than the vermins that they are, not worth a dekko even; you are much more than them.... Just move on.

Look at the way they make fun of you; sniggering at the nonsensical stuff you copy paste or utter... sad you don't see beyond their imperfections, the emptiness of their words.... look beyond and yonder.

sad to see you wasted ... a wastrel indeed.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Your blatant lies ...

Your lies... blatant ...
Farcical lies ...
Have no more takers Dear ...
It's time to do a rethinking ...
Time to mend your ways.

You have ruined many lives ...
Many hearts broken ...
Men, women alike ...
All that dislike and loathe ...
Must find an opening somewhere...
A well to drown your sorrows ...
A black hole for your self inflicted wounds.

Your lies ...
Your blatant lies ...
Your undoing ...
You have dug your own grave...
Coffin you must make ...
Of your own choice now...
You deserve no pity ...
You vermin from the gutter.

The worms wriggling on your skin...
The bosom heavy with pain ...
The giblets spilling out ...
Pus oozing within ...
That's the state you are in ...
That's the state you brought yourself to ...
Rot here and rot in hell ...
For Heaven has no space for you.

Your lies...
Your blatant lies ...
Have opened the gates of raging hell ...
That's where you belong ...
Not earth nor heaven  for you.

Every Creation has an End ...

What you started ... You must end ...
I shall not end it ...
I shall fan the aches ...
The pain you inflicted upon me ...
A rage that shall bring forth your end.

You started it ... You end it...
Else you burn in the same fire ...
You started for me ...
Mend your devilish ways ...
Cleanse your soul of wants ...
Your sinful desires ...
That ruined countless lives.

I shall watch from far ...
I shall snigger and smile ...
I shall revel in delight ...
Seeing you in pain.
You started it ...
You shall end it...
Else you suffer endlessly ...
Till the end of your days.

Every creation has an end ...
You end what you created ...
A monster for yourself...
A monster out of yourself.

Same time last year ...

Same time last year ... I was brimming with happiness...
Life was a Lark ...
Singing beautifully like a Nightingale ...
Everything Hunky dory ...
A person by my side ...
Happy in his company ...
In his arms ...
I walked tall ....
Till A shadow lurking behind ...
Came and pushed me into reality.
A harsh reality ....
The grossness of which left me Speechless...
Heartbroken and hurting ...
I withdrew in a shell ....
I lashed out at him who was the harbinger of this shame ...
And, then I walked alone.

Today, a year on ...
I have let go of the past ...
Let go of the pain ...
I moved on ...
Happiness searched me ...
Found me ...
And, here I am ...
Lo Behold! Single ...
Yet happy in my work ...
Pleased in the knowledge ...
There's a someone out there ...
Watching upon me ...
Waiting upon me ...
Caring for me as his own ...
Thank You Mike ...
Thank you Papa Bear.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rare ... A promise to keep ...

They say promises are made to be broken ...
Not in this case ...
Rare... But true ...
The promises made by him ...
He can't break them ...
He doesn't exist no more to break them ...
He made the promises ...
Never to break them ...
He shall return to keep his word ...
But when? Is the Big Question.

He made hollow promises...
No, he couldn't have...
He ain't like the rest of them...
How do I believe that?
What makes me keep faith in him ...
Blind faith....
They all said, they would return ...
Return they did ... In coffins ...
How can I believe him?
Don't want to see another coffin ...
Another death in the eye ...
Another killing in the eye...
Death of faith and trust ....
Am I cursed...
Accursed life and fate.

Have lost trust in fate ...
It has nothing in store for me ...
But for tears ...
Tears that have dried now ...
No more tears ...
I ask for my share of happiness ...
My share of love...
My share of the Sunshine ...
My share of the cool breeze ...
My share of LIFE.

A Stroll down memory lane ...

Walking along the promenade ...
Suddenly out of the blue ...
Old memories cropped up in my mind ...
Images blurred first ...
But deep ...
Then all clear; crystal clear ...
Images from the past ...
walking along the promenade ...
But two decades earlier ...
Beautiful memories ...
Ones to cherish and relish in solo.

Wearing a mustard coloured dress...
Him by my side ...
Humming a song just for me ...
The communications specialist ...
How conveniently he communicated his love for me...
Outright blatant and blunt ...
Yet a gentle giant ...
Incorrigible was the word ...
He used to describe me ...
Incorrigible I was , I am still ...
He is no more ...
His memories linger on ...
The man in white ...
Shrouded in a mystery of his own.

A beautiful relationship ...
It lasted till his death ...
Continues to haunt me ...
Will so till my last breath.

None could replace him...
I know none can ...
The songs haunt me ...
Just like the memories ...
And, hold me back.

A stroll down the memory lane ...
A walk into the past ...
A jog into the life that was ...
A sprint past the rest.

The stroll turns into a brisk walk ...
A walk to reach the confines of home...
Lest someone sees the tears ...
Streaming down my cheeks.

A stroll down memory lane ...
Turns into a flood of tears.

The Frontier Woman ...

Journeying across a foreign land ...
Lone woman ...
Lone battle with the demons ...
Demons within and demons outside ...
The Frontier Woman ...
Marches ahead ...
Forging a path of her own ...
Making a niche' for herself ...
Slowly yet steadily ...
She leaves indelible marks on hearts that matter ...
Minds that appreciate.

Unknown territory ...
Yet the spirit of adventure raging within ...
The fire in her belly ...
Flaring up high ...
She marches on ...
New lands ...
New horizons to look for ...
To conquer ...
To make her own.

No respite ...
Not needed rest ...
Her Army being created ...
All along ...
She marches on ...
Discovering herself ...
Destroying every barrier ...
She marches on ...
Relentless in her pursuit ...
A horrific view for others ...
Her path of destruction ...
Made anew with each conquest.

The Frontier Woman ...
Many more bastions to conquer ...
No rest ...
No respite...
She needs her vial of blood ...
Each moment her own ...
To own her...
You need to be her slave ...
Enslaved beast ...
You shall relish her beauty ...
Free; you shall perish...
In her memory.

The Frontier Woman ...
Marches on ...
Seeking new lands ...
Seeking new bonds ...
Destroying the speed breakers ...
The path breaker she is ...
She creates new life ...
Born of her sweat and blood.

The Frontier Woman ...
Marches on.

Box of Memories ...

Spring cleaning yields a lot of secrets...
Areas untouched ...
Corners unexplored ...
Spill out a lot of beans...
One such moment caught my eye...
Caught my rapt attention ...
Dusting and removing cobwebs was forgotten forever...
I found a box ...
A Shoe box ...
Filled with memories of the past.

I pick a photograph ...
An image from the past ...
Happy times...
Gala times ...
Am transported to that era...
Am in a state of bliss...
Reliving those moments...
Every photo in the Shoe Box did that to me...
I didn't realize when time flew by ...
When the dawn turned to dusk ...
I closed the box ...
Turned and walked away...
Those were memories ...
Just memories ...
Nothing remained after that ...
Just that box of memories ...
Hidden in a corner of the House ...
Home once ...
Now just a House ...
With four walls and a roof.

Some day again ...
I shall open that box of memories ...
Pick a Photograph at random...
Relive a couple of moments ...
And, then walk away...
A religiously followed ritual ...
Just to remind me that ...
Life goes on ...
The box of memories will get filled up ...
And replaced with another box of memories...
No time for regrets...
Just enjoy the moments...
And move on.

Some remain ...
Others get left behind ...
Yet some come around ...
But, none on this journey of life ....
To tag along.

We come alone ...
We walk alone ...
We go away single.

What remains is ...
A Box of Memories.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Borderline Everything ...

Borderline Sarcasm ...
A corny cheesiness in attitude ...
We display all this so perfectly ...
A mask put on to ward off the rest ...
A fake identity ...
A totally dysfunctional persona.
We all behave so violently ...
Unlike ourselves ....
When confronted with dilemmas...
A borderline Bipolar disorder.
Our polarity in question ...
Our disoriented orientation...
Our very own doing ...
Beyond despicable behaviour ...
Our very own doing.
A conflict in thoughts ...
A strange medley of ideas...
Non stop energy to violate...
The norms of the society ...
Fads, fashion and chutzpah...
Nothing but elitist losing of mind.

Losers ... Borderline winners...
Borderline madness.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Life ... A door ...

Life's like a door ...
What's behind it is not known ...
An uncharted unknown territory ...
A space unexplored.

We all know what is in front of us ...
But behind closed doors...
What lies ...
Is a mystery.

Someone looking at the door ...
To my life from the other side ...
What is on this side of that door ...
Which I have closed to the World ...
Can't make a judgement on who I am...
I am what my experiences have groomed me to become...
I am my Life's challenges outcome...
I am the end result of a series of experiments ...
A never ending series ...
Still ongoing experiments ...
Guinea pigs, we all are...
We all shall remain so ...
Till the end of our days....
Animals in the lab of the almighty ...
Primates being worked upon ...
Tested upon ...
Some come out with flying colours ...
Rest perish in vain.

A door ... to heaven or hell ...
What decides the fate ...
Is your grit and determination ...
To make it till the end of the race.

Unfair Justifications ...

Crucification of Jesus ...
Justice denied ...
Still stalwarts of religion justified their action ...
Son of God was punished for his honesty.

Fast forward to present day scenario...
Whoever spake the truth ...
Never saw daylight again.

Is it so hard to digest the truth?
Justifying what is wrong to be the truth?
Justifying a blatant lie?
What truth is hidden within those lies?

Lies.... open lies....
Ending in nothing but pain and remorse.
What is it that it will take ...
To make them realize the truth.

Unfair to justify anything ...
Hatchlings in a never never land.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Smartass slick ...

Slapjack comedy ...
Stand up comedienne ...
Smartass slick ...
Yikes! Name it and you have got it ...
When am in a mood ...
Am a narcissistic ...
Am not up for jackass comedy ...
But am game for some fun ...
Name it  and you have got it.
Am the gamer ...
Am the knower ...
The code decoder ...
Am the do gooder...
The believer ...
In all things good ...
In all things bright.

Just musings ...
Aberrations from my usual self ...
Abhor the wrong around ...
A crusader against injustice...
A silent whisperer ...
A baby whisperer ...
A Ghost rider ...
A walker in stride.

Smartass Slick ...
Jackass badass...
Am no stranger to happiness...
Am no taker of sadness...
Am a thinker ...
An original hunter

Indulgence ...

Sweet indulgence ...
Sour facts ...
Bitter Truth ....
Indulgence none the less.

Indulging in small talks ...
Gossip so to say ...
Not my forte' ...
Yet, I spake the truth when need arose.

Indulgence in my need to say it all ...
To blurt out what is ...
May be antagonizing to some ...
Yet brings me peace.

Indulgence in shopping ...
Spending hard earned money ...
What the heck! I earn it ...
I have every right to do as I please.

Catharsis .... The answer to all indulgences ...
Living the vice and life ...
Maybe a sinner yet truthful all the time.

Am no stranger to pain ...
Pain is an indulgence ...
A sadist to the core ...
I bet, none sports this indulgence.

Chocolat' ... a grave disaster for mankind....
Indulge in its sinful existence ...
Forge your own subliminal life.

My vice to the core ... Chocolat'...
My prime indulgence ...
I indulge in a warfare over it ...
Devising ways to devour it ...
Be it with sugary gooey stuff oozing out ...
Or in Roast Chicken with spices from South.

Indulgence galore...
Shoes, clothes to some extent ...
But, shoes YES!

Open my wardrobe ...
Shoes tumble out ...
Walk through the corridor...
Careful! You might stumble over one.

Many more such innocent vices ...
Many more to explore ...
For the time being enough is said...
On my indulgences alone.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Iss Sheher mein ...

Iss Sheher mein har shaks pehchanta hai mujhe...
Tere naam se jaanta hai mujhe.

Jab bhi mohabbat ki baat hoti hai...
Tera naam mere naam ke saath liya jaata hai ...
Judaa nahi ek dujey se hum ...
Par sang bhi nahi hum dono.

Tere naam se shuru ... tere nam pe khatam ...
Qatl kar ke rakh diya iss zamaney ne hamey ...
Hum jo keh naa sakey uss kaafir ne keh diya...
Hamein badnaam kar diya...
Tere naam ke saath.

Har taraf buss afsaney hain ...
Rog ae mohabbat ke ...
Kya kahein aisey tawaaifaana andaaz ke ...
Jo uss shaks ne de diya iss mohabbat ko.

Iss Sheher mein hum badnaam huye ...
Saare zamaney mein hum mashhoor huye...
Kya kahein hum tareeque mohabbat ko ...
Tumhare is sarfire andaaz ko.

Past, Present, Future ... Nothing matters ...

Nothing really matters when you are in love ....
The past can be forgotten ,
The present forgiven ...
And, the future to look forward to.

When in love ...
You tend to overlook all flaws ...
You accept the other as your own ...
You sacrifice everything for that one person ...
You make them your world ...
You give them all...
Expecting nothing in return ...
Just pure simple love...
Fidelity and trust.

Fidelity is all that matters ....
Very hard to come by today...
A state of unrest ...
Occupying each mind...
A state of uncertainty.

Nothing matters when you are in love.

When we meet next ...

When we cross path next ...
When we meet across the table ...
Let the Chemistry be known ...
No mask to hide the unshorn emotions ...
No red tapism ...
Pure passion ...
Spilling into the room ...
Tension filled room ...
Made light with our unbound love ...
Love that binds us in a thread ...
That can never be snapped ...
Neither by Human force nor Demonic weapons.

The All mighty and Powerful...
The one who swallowed poison ...
To maintain peace and harmony ...
Your name so symbolic ...
Don't I know you ache within ...
I can see the pain in your eyes...
I can feel it from afar ...
When we meet next ...
Let us smile at each other ...
Let us kiss and makeup.

A far off thought ...
Yet a deep feeling ...
I still harbour your ship of love ....
Somewhere deep within.
Anchored in my heart ...
Shipwrecked in my dreams ...
Your shipment of love unloaded ...
Upon my slim shoulders...
My Love ...
Think no further ...
For I know you still crave me...
Our passion ...
The colour Red ...
Awaits us.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sleepless in the City that never Sleeps ...

Here, In the city that never sleeps ...
I lie awake ...
Listening to the song he sang for me ...
I wonder; whether all that was really true ...
His words.... statements that made me believe in Love...
A love that makes me go crazy even thinking of him ...
Wish I could erase him from my memories ...
But a far cry from reality ...
I Just can't ...
It's hard on my feelings ...
Heavy emotions ...
But, I can't forget him ...Because I still believe HIM.

Somewhere deep down a part of me died ....
The day we lost our binding entity ...
But, yet somewhere ....
I still yearn for his return ...
But, will he?

He was trapped in a web ...
I could see his pain ...
His struggle to untangle himself ...
only led to a more excruciating pain ...
I stepped away...
To make it easier for him ..
Even that didn't help ....
He is stuck in a swamp ...
A quicksand .....
How do I help him get out of that trap?

I can't ... I won't ...
He needs to take charge of his situation ...
Be a man ...
And, take stock of the whole damn thing ...
He needs to really make up his mind...
What he really wants....
I or the rest of the World cannot decide for him...
We shouldn't either...
Our paths cross once in a while ...
I see pain in those deeply veiled eyes...
Insurmountable pain ...
I can't wipe away the stress and strain ...
I do not wield those powers anymore ...
I have given up ...
Given up the struggle to protect him and his brethren ...
Given up all hopes of ever walking into the sunset with him ...
But, yet I believe him.

Sleepless in the City that never Sleeps ...
I lie wide awake ...
Thinking of him ...
And those beautiful moments ...
With gay abandon ...
In his company ...
Secure in the knowledge he would always be there....

Friday, January 18, 2013

Lone Woman at the Top ...

She stands tall and proud ...
At the top ...
Strong gusts of wind ....
Threatening to topple her over ...
She stands her ground ....
Her feet dug deeply in the ground below her feet....
Yet, she stands alone ...
No one to give her company ...
It's lonely up there ...
Tears stinging the corner of her eyes ...
Streaming down her cheeks ....
She looks back down ...
Not a soul in sight ....
None that she can call her own ...
Lost souls all of them ...
Left behind ...
Souls that couldn't keep pace...
With her stride in the Journey of ascent...
She searches ....
Her eyes as vacant as the chambers of her heart...
All lost along the way ...
Success at what cost ...
A persona to reveal to the World at what cost ...
A perfect woman ...
At what cost.
There is a tug at her heart ....
A tightening within ....
An ache that's hard to bear ...
But, yet a Smile to bear ...
Pain writ large in those doe eyes ...
Yet a smile spanning the expanse of her face ...
She kept moving ...
Till she reached the Top ...
And, then there was no further ...
No hand to hold ...
Just a deep precipice ahead ...
A dark oblivion to gaping at her...
There's no turning back ...
Just a jump into the unknown ...
Living for others all her life ...
She finds none beside her after all.

Lone woman at the top ...
Lonely nights ...
Lonelier days ...
Lonely in a crowd ...
Lonely within ...
A melancholy soul ...
She trudges along the long winding path ...
Dense forests...
Vast expanse of desert ...
Oceans to cross ...
Mountains to climb ...
All alone ...
When and where does this journey end ...
Knows she not ...
All she knows is ... stop she can't ...
For that would mean an end ....
A tragic end to a story unfolding ...
A sad but true tale ...
The tale of a woman ...
From Birth to Death ...
Lonely all along.

The Almighty when he wrote her fate ...
Wrote it well ...
But, forgot in his zeal and enthusiasm...
To create a perfect being ...
To write Happiness in her kitty...
He forgot to write companions ...
He forgot to write a wealth of friends ...
All he wrote was success ...
But not a successful woman...
Her fate sealed with his mighty pen ...
She awaits her salvation ...
Knowing not when it would come ...
For the creator forgot to write ...
Salvation in her destiny.

Lone woman at the top ...
It's cold and dark up there ...
she is afraid of the dark ...
She shivers in the cold ...
Huddled and sitting still ...
She seems a far cry from the usual that the World sees.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ...Beautiful ...

Beautiful ... fair as snow ...
She is what all seek ...
A cannabis ...
A cocaine ...
A drug ...
An elixir ...
The woman all seek ...
A beauty from dreams ....
They can only desire her ...
Possess her in their imagination ...
An illegal possession ...
Yet someone no one can do without.
She walks the Earth ...
Up and down ...
Length and breadth ...
They watch the swing of her hips ...
They heave a sigh ...
Desire is all they can ...
A dream ...
A reality never can be ...
Snow White and the vices surrounding her ...
The Seven Dwarfs ... the seven Deadly Sins ...
Man hath never known ...
Till this Eve arrived.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears ...

She epitomises the venerable Little Girl ...
The beautiful Goldilocks ...
Wandering in a forest ...
Coming upon a cottage in the woods...
The home and hearth of The Bears...
The Bears representing her desires....
The Bears her fears ...
The Bears her Life story ...
Making her a fable to remember...
Each symbolising a different character that...
Brought a change in her life ...
The Mamma Bear ... a picture of sobrierity and humility ...
A lover who sacrificed all for her.
The Baby Bear ... a selfish zealot Lover ...
Who only twisted her fate ....
Changed her forever ...
Who just wanted her for himself ...
Possessive jealous Lover ...
But, Selfish to the core.
The Papa Bear ...
Strong solid foundation of stability...
A man of Character ...
Selfless yet not letting go of her ...
Overbearing yet bearing her mood swings ...
A true man ...
The mark of a man known through his actions ...
Goldilocks Papa Bear...
Loving her through thick and thin ....
Her pillar of strength and humility ...
Her all in one Dream Man.
Yet, she runs away from him too....
Goldilocks ... an amazing story of a Girl ...
Lost in the Woods of emotions ...
Lost to herself and the World ...
Carry the story further ...
In your own words ...
See the end in your imagination.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The moments that one wants to forget ...

The moments that one wants to forget always turn around and catch up with you in some form or the other. Moments that make you who you are; moments that have shaped you, your persona, you in totality.

Absolute erosion of memories can never take place. At some point or the other the past catches up with you. You become a victim of your own circumstances. You either buckle under pressure or stand tall to face the adversity.

You either walk away from the situation or you go down fighting it. But, the memories remain. the moments remain. they come up in front of your open eyes and you just can't overlook them. You turn your face away .... But you really really can't walk away from it. They hound you, maul your soul... Tear you apart.

Incidents of today bearing semblance to yesterday crop up and you go weak in the knees. The era of yesteryear's testimony to of your pain ... conjure an image of a person wincing in pain ... expressions varied in different hue and colours of ache... an emblem of your persona ... an aura ... a halo.

The moments turn around and catch you unawares. That's what life is all about. A moment to forget yet remember what it taught you.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Paani Da Rang ... Euphoria ...

Nostalgia ... Euphoria ...
Met him ....
In a crowd ...
But, yet felt the closeness ...
The same electric passion ...
The same intensity ...
The same body language ...
Remembered each day ...
Relived each moment ...
The rest can be erased ...
Has been erased ...
But, not the memories and moments we shared.

Then, heard this song ...
It all came flooding back ...
Was transported into the past ...
Remembering every instance.

The last look he gave when I left ...
It said it all ...
No more needs to be communicated to know ...
The flame hasn't died.

The unsaid words ...
The look ...
The eyes ...
They said it all ...
And, I smiled and walked away ... A winner all the way.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

What's Love? Really ... Sab Maya hai ...

 Love ... Love ... Love ...
A state of mental instability ...
A belief ... false belief ...
A mirage ...
Moh Maya...
Nothing but a dream that shatters ...
When reality strikes.

We act out our roles ...
Doled out by the Director ...
And then, Period ...
Silence ....
Nothing but an eerie silence...
A silence that speaks volumes ...
Yet leaves you confused ...
An unrealistic state  ...
A disbelief ...
Mean machine .... The Heart ....
Pumping blood ...
Saala yeh emotions kahan se aata hai?

Damn these feelings ...
That make you go weak in the knees ...
Damn the emotions ....
That make you sad ...
Damn the state of melancholy ...
Damn this Love ...
Dam it all ...
Put a plug ...
Stop it  in its stride ...
The more closer you get ...
The deeper is the ache.
Maya... Maya ... Maya ...

The sober and quiet heart says ...
Love is sacrifice ...
Damn this sacrifice.
The wild and free heart says...
Love is Lust...
Damn this Lust.
I don't Lust ...
I don't wanna sacrifice ...
I just wanna be ...
Be what?
Status Quo ... Unknown.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Nostalgia ... Moments I can't forget ...

You asked and I answer thus ... Those were magic moments I can never ever forget ... THEY shaped my TODAY ... My life and my Work all based on my Early Life ... Moments that shaped my destiny ... My Success ... A beautiful childhood ... Experiential experiences  ... People that mattered ... Magic to be cherished.

The running down the green hillside moments each day after school or during play ... Running into the waiting arms of my Mother ... Yes! ... My Port Blair .... My Andaman & Nicobar Islands ... The Deer on Ross Island ... Mine ... Eons ago ... But memories as fresh as the last moments. My virgin islands of days of yore ... A little Girls imagination flared up ... A fairytale life well lived. Moments of Truth ... But, yet no trauma.

A life of great fun and learning ... A schooling that left a visible impact so obvious now in my professional life ... Dream School  ... Positive impact and a Dream School of Today and Tomorrow generated.

Those days and their imprint ... My Love take me with you on my Journey back to my Childhood ... Memories that never faded nor will ever be erased ... Memories of experiences that shaped my life ... Beautiful moments. Looking back, I have no regrets ... A friend, a Philosopher, a Guide ... Found all along the way in friends and partners in life.

My Love if you go to my Dreamland ... Take me with you ... for that would be my first destination and last in this lifetime.

The Life of my dreams started years ago ... They shall end with you by my side ... Lay me to rest in the Sea ... Fodder for the marine life. My birthplace by the Sea ... My burial ground ... THE SEA.

A dream ... To be buried at Sea... From where my Journey began ... Aqua to Aqua ... Water to Water ... Not ashes to ashes ... I wasn't born from ashes ... Am the culmination of the five elements ... seen all ... the water left to feel.

Nostalgic moments ... moments of truth ... My final resting place ... Heaven on Earth ... The taste of the nectar of the forbidden fruit ... The cashew I chewed upon ... The Apple ... Custard apples that nearly bled me to death ... The parrot parody at Akaashwani ... The berries in the Graveyard ... No fear ... Just fun ... Living by the Sea and dipping in each day.

Moments that rev me up ... moments that give me a kick ... a high no drug can give ... your Childhood lived again.

Seeking moments ...

Torn apart by the desire to be together ...
Torn by the distance ...
We seek moments of togetherness ...
In the company of others.

We meet where the rest of the World meets ...
In an open forum ...
Under the Sun, Moon and the Stars.

In the Court of the Almighty ...
We are but innocent Lovers ...
We love the togetherness of words ...
That bind us to each other.

The nights long but not lonely ...
As you lull me to sleep ...
I know truly where I belong ...
In your strong arms ...
To begin with.

Seeking moments ...
Seeking solace ...
Seeking togetherness ...
Seeking blessings ...
We seek ourselves within ...
Each other and the bountiful nature.

Seeking moments ...
Loving each other ...
We seek happy moments ...
In feelings unknown to others.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Looking Forward ...

Jaan .... Looking forward to being with you soon ...
A whole new life ahead ...
A whole new realm ...
Quality time spent together ...
A lifetime's dream achieved.

Waiting for the day to arrive ...
When you shall whisk me up in your arms ...
Strong arms ... Benevolent eyes ...
Love drops everywhere ...
Spring in our lives.

Waiting for the long drives ...
Walks besides the Sea ...
Sitting on a hill top ...
Watching Dawn break ....
Waiting for the Spring to come ...
With spring in my steps ...
Love you Baby ...
Sweet nothings ...
Is all I wanna hear.

Looking forward to meeting you ...
Rushing to the door ...
Every footstep ...
Every ring ....
Makes me jump upright ...
Rushing to see if you are there.

Love you Papa Bear.

The Last Stroke ...

One Stroke at Midnight ... Changed the fate of a Nation ...
One stroke you speak of ...
A mention meant for me ...
When do you intend to use it?
Do you have the guts ....
To face the Truth?
A truth you so conveniently want to overlook ...
You trail ...
I blaze your path ...
Am the Trailblazer ...
Am the fire of wrath.

Know this for sure ...
Am not alone in this endeavour ...
The hand of destiny plays a vital part ...
May your path never cross mine ...
For I crush anything that crosses mine.

Am no Stone to Crush ...
Am heavy metal that doesn't rust ...
You are just a vermin ...
Scurrying along my path ...
And, I love swatting flies.

The Last Stroke of Thor's HAMMER ...
My Hammer ...
Shall seal your FATE.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Oh Darling! ...

Darling ... You are amazing ...
Such relentless pursuit ...
Pursuit for happiness  ...
Am glad you are a part of my life ...
An irreparable damage to my heart ...
You just tore it open and ....
Entered the feeling zone ...
Love you for the courage you display.
Love my Eagle of the Sky ...
Your quality ... Your Attitude Sweetheart ....

When it rains ...
All other birds take shelter ...
The Eagle ...
He soars above the clouds ...
And avoids the rain.
You are my Eagle ....
Soaring above ...
Above clouds of destruction ...
Keeping an eye out for me.....
Love you for being there ...
Oh Darling! I want no one else.

Every moment ... every act ...
I think of you ....
Whether you would approve of it or not ...
My heart deceits me ...
My being your slave.

Love you ...
This ode is for you PAPA BEAR ....
I Love YOU.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Puzzle ... for you to solve ...

Come on! Be a sport ...
There's a puzzle in store ...
For you to solve ...
A riddle to riddle your mind ...
A load of crap in your hind.

There's no escaping ...
A sharp mind ...
A person that can see through ...
The mask you so project ...
A shrewd Bitch ...
You may be ...
A gamer I am ...
How can you escape me?

I shoot unruly streetdogs ...
A passion I so dislike ...
Yet, what to do ...
I have a job in hand...
To rid the World of sinners ...
Escapists behind innocent looking smiles..
Faceless names ... Nameless games ...
Fowls that I skin alive.

Come Ye! Come All ...
Under the scanner are ye all ...
You rub me on the wrong side ...
I Erase you from the Earth.

I am who I am ...
And, I know you fear me ...
You dread me being around ...
Your fears not unfounded ...
My persona is such ...
Even the greatest run around ...
They unload in their pants ...
Which you do ...
When you read my words each day.

Don't I know you trail me ...
Trail me yes...
From behind ...
Always a step behind.
You can't overtake me ...
Nor can you walk along ...
Such a sorry figure ...
Just a wannabe tagging behind.

A Puzzle for you to solve am I ....
A riddle to think about ..
Your sleepless nights ....
A general attribute of mine.

Come shout out ...
Cry your heart out ...
A melancholy and sad being ...
You are nothing but a grape gone sour ...
A tune that's gone awry.

By encroaching upon my World ...
You sealed your fate ...
O' wretched woman ...
With equally wretched fate ...
All the money in the World ...
Will not get you real honey ...
No real Love ...
Nor real people ...
Just  a virtual life ...
That's what you are resigned to.

A puzzle ... Your own life ...
A riddle you are to yourself ...
Look within and find the answer ...
Find a way outta the maze....
This is but a phase ...
You are enmeshed in a wretched World ...
A web clinging to you ...
Ensnared and desperate you sound...
In a world of make believe.

A puzzled life ...
A Rubik cube to be solved.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Impotent potency ...

Hmmm ... Potent impotency ...
Or, Impotent potency ...
All the same ... Just twisted ....
A sly aim at impotent humans ...
And, potent possibilities.

You really have to wrack your brains ...
The grey matter to fathom what I imply ...
Commoners, thinking uncommon ...
An uncanny feeling within ...
Restless motions ...
Bladders full ...
Yet incontinence due to continuity.

Hard to decipher ...
A code written ...
In words above ...
Read between the statements to know what I mean ...
But, know not for you are but a commoner.

A common misnomer ...
A threat by and large ...
I loom large above you ...
Towering tall ...
High and mighty ...
I am the power you dread ...
Day in and Day out ...
You glance behind ...
To see if I am there ...
Tailing you or not.

Your fears are unfounded ...
Look deep within ...
The rogue who has hounded ...
Is your own self ...
With self inflicted wounds ...
You are but a shallow self ...
Of what could have been.

Do not laugh ...
Your impotency shows through ...
Potential you have not ...
Impotent potency aplenty.

Inner Peace ...

Some take ages and a whole life time ... yet find no peace ... Inner peace .... I have found my peace ... My inner peace.

My inner peace is being happy and content with what I have ... Whatever I wish for .... I get without asking ... isn't that a sign that divine blessings have been bestowed upon me. Next to impossible for some but not for me. Am at peace and content with the way my life is today.

With the love of my life standing tall and regal next to me ... With everything falling in place for me ... I am happy ... Inner peace and calm sweeping over me.

Am overwhelmed with the grace of the supreme being bringing warmth and happiness in my life this Winter .. that this has become a symbol of lasting love to me.

My life coming one full circle ... Moksha attained on Earth. Something people search in vain ... I attained with being a Karmayogi. May seem silly but I believe you get everything here on earth ... Your Heaven and Your Hell here itself.... crystal clear justice.

The power of the Supreme Being cannot be denied ... or overlooked ... The power that brings you your justice here on Earth.

I have attained my Inner Peace ... am happy with the turn of events ... He by my side  ... what else is needed to be successful? Love and peace ... My story ... My life ... A beautiful example ... some events just change the whole story ... Twist the tale in your favour.

My tale ... my Story ... my Inner Peace ... Neither a fable nor a myth ... Blatant Reality.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Abhinav saverey ka Sapna ... You passed your own VERDICT

Ek nayi subah ... something new ...
Ek Abhinav savera ...
Saath mein ek sunhara Sapna...

Guess.... all these mobile companies should get such good lines for their mobile ringtones. Companies like Reliance where employees are always on Social Networking sites having fun at the company's expense .... Tata Docomo ... no wonder it's not doing too well coz' again their partners busy flirting around .. playing bouncers for unknown women. Gosh! What has this country come to ... false faces ... false names ... and yet people go after the Government ... Government has failed coz' we have such people in our Country who think they are talking sense but in reality just pure nonsense.

People... people ... double faced people ... not personalities ... just commoners trying to live an alternate life ... getting a high from it ... just for the thrill of it .... Husbands and wives with multiple fake accounts ... guess  this is their level of imagination ... flirt and have fun ... get a high to keep their relationships happy.

But, frankly asking ... Are they really happy? They seek solace in a virtual World ... real World just a step away ... yet living a false life ... leading into false hopes and dreams.

Pristine green hills behind ... A beautiful sanctuary in City life .... yet people running around ... in a World beyond ... Machine world with wires for company ... and faceless names and treachery in a summary.

Sad truth ... but, truth after all .... Cranky brains ... Illogical thoughts ... that's all to their being... Living in make believe World ... Grow up they haven't yet ... Still in the World of dreams and creams .... mechanical in their daily purpose ... living robot like .... partying thinking that is life ... that's no life .... just a mirage ... nothing but a slippery fall once reality strikes.

Next door neighbours of mine ... Yet unaware of me ... Today you stand exposed with all your falsehood steeped in my grey matter ... The truth exposed ... bare naked ... you stand before me ... I am no judge ... you passed your own VERDICT.

If I get down to unmasking the so called Zorros ... an upheaval it shall cause ... so beware O nincompoops ... don't walk tall like a Peacock ... There is nothing to be proud in your hour of shame.

Wait for the New Dawn ... the brand New Morning ... Abhinav Savera ... Ek Sapna ... Mein hoon kaun?   ... The New DON.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Silly feeling ...

You are getting a silly feeling!
What kind of a feeling is it?
Is it that you are just too happy?
Or, You dread being in love with me?

Nah.. Silly me!

I know you care a lot ...
You worry a lot for me ...
Am fine dear ... Just wrapped in work ...
There is no substitute for Hard work ...
And, In my zest to make a mark ...
Carve a niche' ...
Am neglecting you a bit ...
Aren't you proud of who I am ...
endless possibilities waiting to embrace me ...
Just like you ...
Waiting ...
All I need to do is ...
Take that first step ...
Towards you and...
The opportunities knocking at my door.

A silly feeling it is ...
Just silly ... Nothing to it ...
Am fine ... Just a bit busy ...
But you are never far from me ...
Always in my thoughts ...
Permanent in my heart.

You are a pertinent part of my life ...
Important for my self realization ...
Important for my actualization ...
Imperative to my emotional well being ...
You are YOU and no one can take that place ....
You are my own ...
My final call ...
My Love ... My Life ...
None can take that away from you .. what is yours... is yours only....
A commitment for next life.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

On this day ...

On this day of The first day of January 2013, a Tuesday ... I proclaim and openly so ... my love for my beloved Papa Bear .... My stoic, cool , a bit Crazy, lovable, mildly irritating, patient, foolish at times, Strong, yet silent .... Papa Bear, Papa Bear ... I just happen to love you out of the blue .. yeah met you when I was feeling the blues ... you made me surface from my vain attempts at drowning ... Yeah, I love you for saving me .... I love you for being there ... And Here today.

Your gift to me ... your heart ... cut open ... bleeding yet throbbing .... Just for me ... I can never match up to it ... a brilliantly beautiful gift ... your love ... I thrive in it.

You are my very own ... and shall remain so till eternity .. even death cannot part us now ... through life and it's travails ... I travel beside you .... My love am there always ... in your heart and soul ... am the very essence that defines our love.

The colour of Love ... A deep crimson ... silky touch and fabric so soft ... I love the gift of love and On this day ... I write my heart to you ... I will it to you ... It's yours to take .. forever yours and mine to give.

This day I dedicate my life to your service ... yes. service at your beck and call... Always ...

On this day ... I say am Crazily in LOVE with you Papa Bear ...