Friday, October 19, 2012


Tomorrow .... is D Day ....
The day the boy turns a youth ....
The day I was born again ....
In flesh and blood as him ....
Tomorrow is the day ....
He is ready to take on the World...
Fly high...
Soar up in the Sky ....
On his own ...
Tomorrow is the day ....
My boy becomes a Man....
A man envisioned and blessed by his ancestors....
A man they would be proud of.
The day Grandpa looks forth to ....
Hope he gives a surprise and comes visit ....
That's the best gift the boy could get ...
Blessings and his Granddad.
Finally, the little birdie is ready to flap his wings ....
And, leave the nest ....
Strong enough to take on the World....
Old enough to be on his own now.
Henceforth, his decisions will be his own ...
Not mine to decide...
I wish him all the best in life...
May he always make his family proud of his achievements...
He is the best and deserves the best.

Tomorrow ... is his day ...
A bid day ...
A milestone in his life.

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