Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sparks ... from the fire...

You can see the sparks flying ....
The fire catching up ...
Every year they burn him ...
Call him evil ...
But, he was way too holier than the holy ....
He was a scholar ... remarkable one ...
He was  a great lover ... never touched the other woman....
Not even the one whom he brought home ....
The holy one discarded her ...
He revered her ...
For he knew who she was.
Burn the holy one ...
For she never went back to him ...
She rather buried herself in Mother Earth ...
But never went back to him.
The triumph of what over Evil?
There is no evil ....
It's all in the mind .....
A mirage ...
A lie we live year after year....
Ravana ... I love you ....
Ravana .... I rever you...
I worship you O' Lord of the Asuras....
For you were holier than the holy.
You knew right from wrong ....
You knew what you were doing ...
He doeth unknown in the hurt he caused ....
She never went back to him.
It is not for the World that you should live ...
Try living for yourself once ....
Learn from the experiences ...
Learn from the ten days.
On the Tenth day, do not burn ...
The one to burn is the holy one ...
For he hasn't attained moksha yet ...
He is still searching his own end.
The sparks from the fire...
They shall burn our World ...
The end is near ....
So, the new can be born ....
From the ashes and the water ...
A new life will begin.
Sparks from the fire ...
Foretell the future ...
The future of an unsaved World.

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