Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chaos ... Utter Chaos...

Kids here and there ....
Jumping , kicking ... biting ...
Today is a chaotic day ....
Suddenly, the somewhat docile kids are all jumpy ....
Running helter skelter.....
Biting one another...
Total chaos ... utter chaos.
Gosh.... Can't see myself in this environment for long ...
I will go crazy pulling my hair out...
Trying to control my rising blood pressure.

Kids here and there ....
Whom none can seem to manage....
I seem to be just running in circles.....
Quizzing myself ...
What am I doing here.

Kids here and there....
Running amok ...
Like Rambo with a gun...
One after the other ...
Teachers getting hassled ...
Everywhere a distinctive chaos.

Chaos utter chaos ...

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