Monday, October 22, 2012

The soothsayer ....

The soothsayer says ....
You are here to enable the mysteries of the Universe to unfold ....
Do your duties as prescribed ...
Don't worry all will fall in place ...
Nothing will go amiss.....
And, I raise an eyebrow and quip.....
Nothing amiss....
Not the scars on a flawless body .....
Nor the wrinkles ... on a pearly smooth face ...
Forty two springs......
Nothing amiss...
No one person gone?
What nonsense you spake to me ....
O' Soothsayer ....
Do not repeat again to another ....
Eat your words ...
This is life ...Real life ...
Throbbing life .....
Ebbing life .... But, Life itself.
Do not say .... forget and forgive ....
One can't ... never ever.
You may sooth souls for a while ...
But, the real life teaches you lessons otherwise....
Lessons we don't forget...
Lessons that revive our memories from time to time ...
Faces that crop up here and there and ....
You relive moments spent with them.
No, it never goes away ...
It comes back in newer forms ....
Nastier forms....
Forms that make you flinch.
Then there are those ghosts of the past ...
Soothsayer, dear No.... they don't go away...
They take new forms ...
New avatars...
New names ...
They come back to haunt your memories....
To haunt you all the time.
The soothsayer nods his head...
And, walks away....
He hasn't lived my life ...
What can he say?

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