Friday, October 5, 2012

Dilemma, dilemma....

It's a big dilemma....
Whether to let him go scot free ...
Or, really give him the just punishment he deserves ....
The compassionate heart says ... let go....
The justice seeking one says PUNISH him.
What do I do?

Dilemma, dilemma....
Today we are two strangers...
People till yesterday who were sweethearts....
But, that doesn't make his crime any lesser ...
Does it?
Punish or not ...
Is the dilemma....
What to do ?

Oh God! Show the way....
I can't see him in pain too...
It pains me to see him hurt...
But, .....................
Dilemma, dilemma......
Somebody tell me what is the right thing to do?
Punish or just let go ....
Let God do justice.

Dilemma, dilemma....
Need to take a decision ...
Either with pity in my heart ...
Or, a stern one to put him behind bars.

Dilemma, dilemma.

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