Monday, October 8, 2012

Charity begins from home...

It's so easy to be a philanthropist these days ...
It is so easy to say ...
I did so and so ...
But, you did all for Others ...
What did you do for your own?
When they were struggling ...
Their heads barely bobbing on the surface of a rough ocean ....
Where were you?
Charity begins from home ...
Don't term it as charity though ...
Responsibility ...
Where were your strong shoulders....
When the fledglings were still learning to walk ?
Where were you ...
When they most needed you?
You weren't there....
Yo are not there....
You are but a ghost of the past ....
A memory ....
How can they ever respect you ..
Someone who pledged his life to the nation ...
But, forsook his own responsibilities....
This is an outburst ...
But not a cry to beg ...
We don't need nobody's charity ...
They shall never beg for it ....
They will never have to...
For as long as I live ...
I won't let them starve ...
And, when I am gone ....
They will have enough ...
And, they are capable beings ...
Who hold their heads high and walk ...
They don't need no man to man their lives...
The woman they call MOM is man enough to bring them up ...
All alone ....
She is the only MAN in this man's world ...
Who has balls.
Yes, she has the balls to stand up to anyone.....
And say .... Leave ... you are not needed here.
She doesn't need a man to tend to her flock ...
She has done it in the past....
She is still doing it ..
And, when she is no more ...
There will be enough.....
She doesn't need another man ....
To bring up HER children....
They are hers and hers alone.

Charity indeed begins from home ....
If there ever was one.

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