Saturday, October 13, 2012

My Love Story ...

My Love Story ....
Played and replayed over and over again ...
All the time ...
Only the characters change all the time ...
The protagonist remains the same ....
ME..... The central character ...
Around whom the story revolves...
From whom it starts and ends ....
The rest of the characters keep coming and going ....
Some pop up in all the love stories ...
Some just fade away.... into the oblivion ...
Some return as the ghosts of the past ....
But, return they all do.
It isn't a one in many case....
It happens in everyone's life ....
Some say it all ... like me ...
Some aren't as candid as I am.....
Social taboos and what not ...
Inhibitions ...
Everyone goes through the same sort of life ...
Only some stories become legends...
Some just disappear without a sigh.
We are all not made the same way....
So, we exhibit our emotions in different manners...
Some are rough and furious....
Some docile and numb.
My Love Story ...
Told and retold ...
In different formats ...
In different posts ....
My way of living life ...
All so different yet so similar to all.
Lessons for some to learn .....
Learning lessons from some time to time....
It's all about how you grasp it ...
How the wordsmith weaves the stories....
How one man's loss has been ...
Another's victory ...
The journey of a woman ....
Through thick and thin ....
Through tumultuous rivers....
And, rough terrains....
But, a journey to remember ....
And, to learn from.
We all have stories to tell ....
We all have legends to read about ...
This is one ... in times to come ....
People will speak .....
They do discuss....
Some scorn my openness...
Others pity my situations...
But, that's all momentary ...
What remains  is ...
My Love Story ....
Each time .... A different one....
Each time ..... A unique way to celebrate my learning ...
Each time .... A new person to talk about.
My Love Story ...

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