Friday, October 12, 2012

Some lessons in life ....

We must hurt in order to grow,
Fail in order to know,
Lose in order to gain ....Some lessons in life ...
Are best learnt through pain.

Life moves on ....
People left behind...
New friends made ....
Newer places visited......
New ventures to think about.

So much to outgrow ...
So much to leave behind....
But, leave behind we must ...
In order to grow....
Yes, lots to miss out on ...
But, go on we must too.

Some lessons in life are learnt the hard way ...
Nah... all the lessons in life are learnt the hard way...
It's fun ... when you think of the past ...
Wow! The mistakes we make ...
Laugh at your own foolhardiness...
No more Tomfoolery you say to yourself ...
And, still you end up making a new mistake again.

No hard feelings ...
Just a tad bit hard heart ...
For some time ....
Till you make another mistake ....
Else one wouldn't be called Human.

Some lessons in life ...
Some beautiful unforgettable moments...
Some moments you can let go of....
Not letting them entwine in the neural pathway ...
Just let the toxins out and move on.

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