Tuesday, October 9, 2012

He was my friend first ...

Yeah! He was my friend first...
Then kab pyar ho gaya ...
Pata hi nahi chala...
I was setting him up for my cousin ....
But setting ke aankde shaayad ultey ho gaye...
And, one fine day we realized we were made for each other...
There was someone else who wanted to marry me ....
He tried his level best to wean me away from him ....
He couldn't ... I broke all ties with him ....
And, I married him .....
We were happy....
We had two kids...
The best in the World ... geniuses...
Whizkids ...
Yet, one day a storm came and the nest was left tattered and torn ...
Nothing left of it .....
After that Mamma bird never made a nest again ....
Papa bird flew away.... set up a new nest ....
Mamma bird keeps moving from one place to another with the two birdies...
But, she is happy ....
Coz' now there is no nest to break....
Nothing left to break ...
Not even her heart ....
A heart of stone ...
A heart that doesn't bleed anymore ....
All there is a ROCK ....
Nothing else...
It can't melt even ...
So, she is more like an Ice maiden ...
Whom they fear ....
Who come near ....
Her words are fireworks ...
No sweetness in them ...
Just barking orders.....
Keeping men as slaves ...
Coz' slaves are all she needs now ...
No hearts just slaves to hurt and feel nice about it...
I know sadistic ... but that's what time has made her ...
Her destiny unknown....
She treads upon treacherous terrain ...
One slip and a deep precipice ...
But, she moves on ...
Not looking back.........ever....
Those who are gone ...
Are lost forever....
No memories ....
Just deep scars .....
An anger that usurps all the goodness with in her ....
An  anger that's consumed her ....
And left her smouldering.

He was my friend first ...
Now, No one.

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