Saturday, October 13, 2012

In a world where ....

I am deeply ensconed in a world where no harm comes to me....
I am safe in my world ...
Away from prying eyes ....
Away from evil eyes ...
I am happy ...
If that is how happiness is defined.

In a world where there is no feelings left ...
In a world full of inhumanness...
In a world rife with strife ...
I am safe behind the frigid exterior I portray.

If the state of no action in life is happiness...
I am the happiest person alive ...
No action ....Just living ....
Mechanically doing all my jobs ...
Commitments being fulfilled .....
All for what ....
Nothing at all.
At the end of it all....
We are alone ...
Everyone is.....
No one shall remember you .....
Only certain occasions ....
But you won't be missed at all.

In a world ...
Where men sell themselves and their loved ones ...
You can't expect anything ...
Have no expectations ...
Just keep moving ...
There is a lot to be discovered ...
Lots to be done....
But, not for others....
For yourself ...
When was the last time you did something to make....
Your own world a better place to live in?

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