Tuesday, October 9, 2012

No one ...

No one has challenged anyone ...
Nor insinuations made ...
A question about identity was asked....
Coz' you were following the person in question ....
Why follow?
And, what I write at any given time is the state of mind I am in....
If I am bugged ...
It reflects ...
And everybody is at the receiving end ...
Not just one person ...
So no offence ought to be taken ....
That is why WE separated....
My Anger knows no bounds ....
And, anyone who has been around knows ...
It is a short outburst ....
But destroys Worlds.

I have never blamed anyone else ...
My shortcoming is my ANGER....
My anger is something...
I can do nothing about .....
Poor Kids.... imagine their plight ...
They are right there suffering each day....
Just like others...
The day their wings are strong enough ...
Even they will fly away ....
I shall not cry ...
For I know ...
It will happen one day...
They are just biding their time....
Just like others who left.
I need no one around me ...
I am better left alone ..
Alone ...
My World has many possibilities ...
Many promises ...
Many dreams ....
I need no one.
Neither do I dream of growing old...
Only living till the birds fly away from the Nest ...
Then I shall release the soul (If any left)...
And leave the mortal remains behind.
My words are my legacy to my flock ....
Nothing else.
No one needs to feel sad....
My words are my outpourings...
YOU are not the target ....
NO ONE is ....
I am me ...
And, that is how I live my life ....
Everyone has a demon to fight with ....
I have no demons to fight with ...
But, my ANGER....
Which is worse than cancer....
It has no CURE.

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