Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Swan within ...

Ducklings all around ....
You don't make a quack sound ...
You Honk ...
Realize ... you are  a Swan within ...
A lovely, beautiful bird....
Different from others...
Ever graceful in appearance ....
The rest are all ducks ...
Being prepped for a roast.
You have risen above all ....
The highest abode in the World....
Displays the home ... the lake ...
Your abode....
The coolest place of them all ...
A place people die to reach ...
Your abode ....
Your Shangrilla....
 A heavenly experience ...
Yours only ...
None else has seen it the way you see it ...
Visualize the end ....
In such a place ....
The final resting place....
The Swan within .....
The dance of the Swan ....
A sight to see....
Seen by very few....
Go dance and make merry....
For tomorrow may never come.

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