Sunday, May 1, 2011

I confess... am...

I confess... am madly and hopelessly in love with a maverick. This mad hatter is truly a romantic at heart and gets my pulse racing at the very mention of his name or thought.

I wish I could high five and shout out and proclaim my love publicly...... Alas! I can't... Am bound by my limitations. But I confess am truly in love and second time round with the same person.

My day begins with his message and voice and ends with his sweet nothings whispered in my ears over the phone. What more can a gal ask for but a man madly in love with her. Am honoured and overjoyed with the happiness am surrounded with. Everything seems bright and beautiful. Touchwood!

He is simple yet sophisticated. He has an aura of regal and royal elegance. He is aristocratic in his persona. My Knight in Shining Armour. Love him a lot. There's nothing more I wish for but for him to whisk me away. He has already swept me off my feet. Am floating in a dreamworld, let me never awaken from this dream.

Ah, Love can be so wonderful yet so heart wrenching. It makes you pine for your lover. It makes you yearn to be in his strong arms. Love .... eternal love, ethereal love.... something very few are able to receive and enjoy.

I confess, am soaked in his love. I ask for nothing more than his love. Am keeping my fingers crossed, lest an evil eye cast its spell on my love. I belonged to him then, I belong to him now... this chasm of distance keeps us apart but not for long. The day we meet, I know the heavens will open up. There will be a downpour and all pain of yesteryears will be washed away in the flash floods. I know, a new hope springs and all will be fine and peaceful.

I confess..... am waiting for my first kiss from my Prince.... blissful warmth of souls entwined in a warm embrace is what I am looking forth to. I confess, I have my dreams all set to make them come true with my loved one beside me, holding my hand and both of us walking into the sunset holding hands. What a sight it would be for eons to remember by our future and the world to talk about.

I confess, am waiting to flaunt my love and waiting to declare my love for you, my love. I love you.

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