Tuesday, July 31, 2012

High and Low ...

They are looking for you ...
High and low ...
Only I know where to find you ....
In my heart ....
Deep within ...
Encased in a beautiful box ....
Bejewelled with my love and care ...
You my love ... lie there....
No one can take you away from there ....
You remain there forever.
A sweet memory ...
A bitter experience ...
But, nonetheless ...
My own ....
My very own heart throb.

Let them look High and low ...
You remain within my heart ...
Forever and ever ...
Till death do us apart...
Then too, I shall float above you ....
As a spirit ....
Always protecting you ....
Always brushing you ...
As a wisp of wind ...
A fragrance in the air ....
Reminding you of me ...
Reminding you of our love.

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