Sunday, July 29, 2012

How do I live without you?

If you ever go ....
How do I ever live without you?
Every breath of mine ...
Exhales your name ...
You are there in my prayers ...
Day in and day out ....
How can I ever forget you?

How do I live without you?
You are my life...
You are who I am ...
You are my soul ....
You are the fire within me.

How do I live without you?
Together, we were a team ...
A formidable team ...
Strong and soft ...
Like Shiva and Parvati ...
Now, why do you make me dance the Tandav...
Changing it from Lasya.

Love was what brought us together...
Love is what keeps us together....
Yet, We are apart...
Miles apart ...
How do I live without you?

You were within me ....
You are within me...
I remember, what you gave me twice ...
A reason to live forever...
Yet, you took them away...
How do I live without my reason to live?
Why did you kill what we had ?
Why kill the culmination of our love?
It was beautiful, the feeling of motherhood again....
Why did you snatch it away from me?

How do I live without you?
How do I live without my little angels?

Tell me HOW?

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