Friday, July 27, 2012

Reason behind the smile ....

He was the reason behind my smile ....
Yes, he was...
Now, no more smiles ...
Just a sad look in the eyes ...
A vacant faraway look ...
The look defies happiness...
All it does is showcase ...
A pale sad face ...
A face ravaged by his treachery  ...
A face saddened by his absence...
He was the reason behind my smile ...
He was the reason for the glow on my face...
Yes, he was.

My mornings began with him ....
My days ended beside him ...
Now, when the day begins ...
And , ends... I know not...
All I know is darkness outside and within.
He was my Sunshine ...
He promised to walk into the Sunset with me ...
He isn't there now ...
I walk alone ....
Alone in the rain ...
Tears washing down my cheeks ....
Peals of laughter from World around ....
My World .... a sad story to be told.

He was the reason behind my smile ...
He is the reason behind my fake smile today.

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