Saturday, July 14, 2012

This too shall pass ...

This too shall pass ... He says...
I don't think so...
It shall remain as others...
Etched in my memory ....
A scratch .... a bleeding scratch ...
Turning into a scar as always.

It won't pass...
It ain't a graduation ... that can pass...
Life ain't so beautiful as it seems....
People aren't faithful as they seem....
They come and go in your life...
Nothing is permanent...
Everything is destroyed.....
Memories remain of ravages of time....
Scars that turn sore always.

Every moment is a painful one...
Remembering the faith I had..
The trust betrayed....
The feelings frayed....
Tears roll down for the unborn...
The product of a lasting love...
A love that has disappeared into the oblivion...
No trace no trail....
Just ugly scars.

This too shall pass...
The painful scars remain....
reminding me of love lost...
Making me bitter and sad....
No, it won't pass...
It will remain embedded...
Deep in my heart....
A bleeding wound...
A sad story to be told and retold...
To generations to come.

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