Sunday, July 1, 2012

Gone with the wind,,,

Gone far away...
Blown away with the gust of wind...
The feathers of my wings...
Gone with the wind.

Deep within ....
A sadness dwells...
An anger ready to ruin all...
There is not a soul to confide in...
Not a soul to trust.

The man....
I trusted...
The man I married in all faith...
The man whom I gave all....
Left me...
Bereft of any feelings and barren.

The almighty looked on..
 While he took me as his soulmate...
The mighty one smiled...
I was happy in his arms.
 He promised me a bed of roses....
He hid thorns within...
I bled when he laid me upon it...
 Am bleeding still.

The Lord watched... helpless...
His subject in pain....
The devil laughing away to glory...
The woman sobbing alone in rain.
God's gift within her...
Destroyed by him...
The demon ravaged her life....
Pulled her heart away from her bosom...
She lay there on the path...
Passersby pitying her...
Some with deep scorn and loathe...
Others just laughing at her foolhardiness.

She got up...
Walked that extra mile....
Asked the lord for justice...
None came her way...
She took to arms ...
And is fighting a lone battle...Against all odds...
Yet silent, resilient and strong.

She has a long way to go....
Gone with the wind are her dreams....
Blown away to smithreens...
Just a ligament remains....
An attachment...
 Which once was called love....
Save that she has nothing left....
A soulless entity she has become.

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