Sunday, July 22, 2012

It's the Grand Finale....

Yes , time for the Grand Finale...
Time has come for the show to begin....
And, here it goes....
Lights, camera, action....
Water hose...
Make up...
Loads of make up...
A script written impromptu...
The Director...
Up in the sky wondering...
What's happening...
The actors all in place....
The producer wondering....
How to finance this set up?
All wondering what next....
The Scriptwriter, just typing away words...
The actors.... wondering what to do now?
How to emote the myriad of emotions....
Written so well in the script...
The story rolls on...
Into reels....
The tragedy queen comes in front of the camera....
All lights focussed on her....
All eyes fixed on her....
She looks into the camera....
Into the eyes of the Director....
And, sheds tears of blood....
Pours her heart out....
All remain transfixed ....
Not a leaf moves....
Not a word from any quarter....
Just silence...
Pin drop silence....
She turns and walks away into the limelight....
The shadow becoming long behind her....
And, then vanishes....
Nothing remains...
Just reels of emotions....
A superhit formula for a superhit movie...
But the protagonist has moved away....
The Director jumps from his abode high above...
He commits suicide....
The movie is a superhit...
A movie by the Director....
A story gone wrong...
But the public loves it....
The tragedy queen not to be seen....
The Director.... a tormented soul in hell....
It is the Grand Finale....
Lights, Camera, Action....

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