Tuesday, July 24, 2012

He came twice....

Yes, he came twice ...
Twice he came in my life...
But, each time he came,
He was annihilated by the devil's advocate...
He comes now...
In my dreams...
That turn into nightmares....
When the devil carries my dead baby ...
And throws him into the fires of hell.
I wish I could reverse time...
I wish I could destroy the devil...
I wish I could give justice to my dead ones...
I wish.....
I wish he would come again...
This time I shall give my life...
Protect my unborn....
Kill the devil ...
But keep my baby alive...
He was the product of our love....
He was love himself...
I glowed with him within me...
I was happy .... I was blessed...
But, the devil took him away....
The devil deserves no love...
The devil deserves no apathy....
The devil deserves to die.

He came twice...
My unborn child... he did.

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