Sunday, July 22, 2012

They say...

They say... Move on...
I say... I can't....
I really can't....
Everything has come to a standstill...
Am stuck in a time warp....
I can't go back...
I can't move forward...
All brakes applied...
By an unknown force...
By an unknown known being....
All chains pulled in my train of thought...
A brake applied in my vehicle of thoughts...
Nothing seems to make sense...
Am doing everything in a mechanical manner...
In Auto gear...
Just doing...
Not enjoying...
I need an answer....
Till I don't get an answer...
Am going to hang from the hangman's noose...
Looking for an answer...
Up and down the memory lane...
Here and there...
Why? The question... echoes from all directions....
Tell me why? Why me?
They say... you have your life ahead...
Go on ... live your life...
I say NO....
I can't move an inch....
I need an answer to my WHY...
The day I get that answer...
I shall become calm...
But, till then...
I crusade for justice and....
Search for an answer...
I take on the world... if need be...
But, fight I shall...
Till my last breath....
I can't move on ...
Till he tells me WHY....

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