Thursday, July 26, 2012

Met the Devil ...

Met the Devil a day ago ....
He was there with his concubine ...
The duo tried to sway me...
I stood steadfast and strong ...
Strong in my conviction...
To bring justice to this world...
A far cry ...
But, a war cry.

Met the Devil and his advocate ...
Wasn't impressed nor suppressed..
Laughed at their desperate attempts...
To malign me..
To waylaid justice and the lawmakers...
He tried hard....
God! Be there beside me...
Through thick and thin...
Be there and show me the path...
The shining path...
Don't ever let my spirits down...
It is a fight for justice ...
Down to my last breath.

Met the devil and was amused...
He was desperate...
He was whining....
He was literally crying and begging...
A beggar always...
Isn't he?

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