Monday, July 30, 2012

In anticipation ....

Hope he realizes his mistake ...
In anticipation I wait....
Hope he comes to his senses....
I anticipate it all.
 The trepidation ...
The feeling of dread ....
What if he absconds?
What if he runs away?
Then what?
He cannot run away like this...
He has to be brought to the court of law....
He has to suffer the consequences of his acts....
He has to account for so many murders...
No, he cannot be spared....
He shouldn't be spared....
He is a cancer in the society....
This cancer has to be cut off from the society....
This cancer has to be cured....
Else he shall dirty the society more...
Many more innocent victims will lose their senses...
Many more their faith in the law.
The law has to be strong enough...
To bring justice to many and me.
The law needs to be strong ...
So that such demons can be annihilated.

In anticipation....
That the Law takes action quickly...
Catches the crook ...
And brings justice to the fore.

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