Friday, July 27, 2012

I didn't want to lose you ....

I didn't want to lose you ....
He said.....
I was happy ... for a moment ...
And, then .....
The whole world came shattering down....
For the sake of BUSINESS..... He said...
I couldn't breathe ....
I lost sense of time and space ...
A void ... A black hole  opened up ...
And swallowed me.....
 I was lost forever.

I didn't want to lose you for the sake of BUSINESS....
He said....
And, many decades were added to my face.

The colour drained from my face ...
My blood dried up ...
I heard a shrill shriek deep within ....
A woman died somewhere...
I could hear the wails of mourning ....
Somewhere a dog howled ...
Logs of wood were collected ...
Somewhere a body was burnt.

The soul roams the streets of Mumbai ...
The soul cries in vain ...
The soul screams out loud ...
People say ...
They can hear her ...
Muffled cry somewhere.

I didn't want to lose you ...
But, YOU lost me forever.

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