Sunday, July 15, 2012

Drizzle... Dazzle... Dangle....

Dangling from the ceiling fan....
She sees it all....
The drizzle outside....
The dazzle of flashes within...
In the room .....
And deep within...
In the core of her heart.

She can't say a word...
Not more...
When she tried to say....
She was silenced....
She was laughed upon...
She had no choice...
When all turned their backs on her...
The law of the land seemed impotent.....
She walked away ....
Into her room...
And, lo! Here she dangles....
Like a scarecrow....
And the law remains ....
Unabashedly shame faced.

He walks in the rain...
Holding another hand....
He has his devilish grin...
Free as a bird....
No care for all his sins.

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