Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nothing left to say ...

Nothing left to say ...
Nothing to feel ...
Just a vague memory ...
Of days bygone ...
Life comes a cropper ...
 When memory fails ...
Feelings die ...
People move away ...
Paving way for tears to stream down.

Thank goodness... for the rains...
The rains ... wash the salt away ...
Thank goodness for the gust of wind...
The wind blows the tear dry.

Two lost souls...
Two unborn hearts ...
Beating hearts ... silenced...
Forever and ever.
A mother's bleeding heart crying...
Crying for justice ...
Not in sight ....
 Just an emptiness ...
A broken woman ...
Walking all alone ...
All fingers pointing at her ...
Not one supporting her ...
 A mother crying within ...
Solitary in her quest ...
The silent crusader moves on ...
A firm belief in the maker of all beings ..
A belief in power supreme...
Justice is awaited ...
Who will give her the one she seeks?

No words ... nothing left to say....
The devil laughs ...
The darkness envelopes her ...
She disappears into the oblivion.

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