Thursday, July 14, 2011

The woman pours her heart out....I am a woman too....

The woman pours her heart out ...
And he mutters what a sham...
I say, what with her emotions welling up within her...
Let her pour it out...
He queries, then why do you get affected?
I reply, with tears in my eyes..... I am a woman too.

I am destiny's child.... watched by someone up above....
What designs he has for me... he knows...
I know, I have to follow my heart...
Follow my man.... wherever he leads me...
I trust him.... I am his child to spoil....
Am spoilt silly by him always...
I love him from ages ago....
He was always there in every step of my life ....
Though as a far fetched thought...
Attached to others along the journey of life....
My man was tied up in affairs that left him ....
Bereft of any feelings....
With a bitter aftertaste in his mouth...
He had become a sorry shadow of his regal self....
He found me.... destiny...
I accepted him.... My destiny....
Now, a new story unfurls....
A new saga to tell....
 A new poem to be written...
 A fable to be remembered always...
I am a woman .... his woman....
His story to write with me ... is my goal...
Let the ball roll.....

I love the way he looks at me...
I remember his touch.... so gentle...
His kiss... so passionate...
Lest I lose myself here itself.....
I better put a full stop to this outburst of emotions...
Love my man..... not known to love anyone ever so much....
Man, I love you my soul mate...
You know me so well....
Every emotion... every unspoken word...
I am a woman.... your woman...
And I pour my heart out to you....
I know, you are waiting to read this outpouring....
I write for you and you only.....
I am a woman in love....
I am your woman...

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