Monday, July 18, 2011

Assumptions.... conclusions... a figment of your imagination...

Yup... your assumptions...
Your conclusions.....
All are a figment of your overactive imagination....
An imagination that I cannot control...
Yes, I can feed it fodder....
For you to wonder....
What is it that I am made of.....

I don't need your advice ....
To stay focused...
I shall do what pleases me.....
It's my life after all.....
You can't just barge in .....
You can't just assume...
You can't just conclude...
Whatever you feel like....
I am who I am ... from my past experiences..
I can't let another rule my life for me....
Don't jump to conclusions....
Don't assume things.....
I am already hurting...
Don't hurt me no more.

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