Friday, March 18, 2011

Nearly a year has passed since I last ranted about myself....

Yup, literally a year ago, gosh where was I stuck? In the petty nitty gritties of life trying earn moolah and making a place for myself under the sky. Am still gonna do that but what the heck, till when?

Went through a lot of upheavals in my personal life, stumbled upon untold truths, lies hidden and pushed under the carpet, blah blah blah. What did I achieve so far, nothing? My trust was betrayed, my whole value system was shaken up not to mention the emotional trauma that came in the package deal.
Yeah, I guess today's blog is all about my whining and venting my feelings out. Feelings kept sealed in the dark innards of my aching heart. How could I let someone use me like this?

Anyways, we all learn from our mistakes . It was a learning experience.

So, Ciao for now. There are many more experiences to go through and many more mistakes to be made. It's a life long process and am game for it.

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