Sunday, April 11, 2010


It's been ages since I last blogged. Whew, a whirlwind affair with new insights into operations in education industry kept me bogged down preventing me from blogging. Today am in a slightly chilled out state so thought of pouring out my sufferings. Hahahha, cribbing always, that's so unjust. am all fagged out in a month of in my job, yet I want to continue doing it coz that's my bread and butter and jam and marmalade and Pancakes and maple syrup. All the good things in life come with a price tag. And, one has to really slog it out to grab the goodies.

The kids love my absence from home , no matter what am always nagging them otherwise. So, good riddance to the hag who brings moolah home for them to spend lavishly on their whims and fancies.

Am reduced to being a minting machine. Hahha, might as well go stay at the Reserve Bank of India's mint. It hurts to know your value...just a couple of bucks....nothing else but an ATM machine...ATM here means Any Time Money.

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