Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's started again...

When I thought , it was all over, it has started again.

I can't go through it over and over again. Am tired... am hurting.


Emotions long forgotten , do not enter the bastion of an emotionless soul ,
Live and let live, you have nothing to lose,
All I have is my sanity , don't let me lose that. I thought I was over you, but you keep springing back in my life,
back and forth and make it difficult for me to cross over to the other side.

Listless eyes watching the door,

Ears attuned to hear the ring of the instrument, lest it be you,
heart fluttering to hear your footsteps,
kitchen seems desolate without the one who loved what I made,
Gawd end this trauma here, I can't take it anymore...............

The sleepless nights when all we heard were melodies,
with wine to quench the thirst of lost souls....
Bring back the magic, bring back the sunshine, bring back the sparkle in your life........

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