Monday, March 28, 2011

On hindsight....

On hindsight, am glad it's over. It was doomed from the beginning. There was only one person giving and the other was just taking, hoarding n selfish, self centered fool.

Come to think of it, there was no fire in it, no warmth, a coldness which was hard to detect but now looking back , yes the perspective has changed.

There was a beggar and he was always begging and a benevolent benefactor giving always. There was a dog who begged for morsels and the master gave it all, but dogs are faithful, this dog was unfaithful and so one day the master just kicked him out of his home and life.

Now, the dog roams the streets of the nether world begging and pawing anyone passing by for sympathy and love. With his maggot ridden body, pallid face and diseased condition people pitied him and threw bits and pieces of food for him, but how long can anybody feed a parasite, not long. One day he was caught by the municipal authorities and thrown out of the city in the wasteland where he laments, raves and rants of days bygone and his miseries.... But there is no one to listen to him.

What a story to ponder about!

Let's not forget, we have a purpose in life, do your bit for mankind and move on. Do not linger in the past, it has nothing to offer you but an experience that should help you discern between who is there for you and who isn't.

Thanks MEENA, I took your advise seriously and spat out all the anger albeit in a more civilized manner than what you had suggested.

Love you for being there for me . LOL...wink!!!

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