Monday, March 28, 2011

Walking by...

Walking by the meandering meadows , nestled amongst the beauty of nature, I contemplate and introspect the meaning of life and come out of this reverie positive that whatever happened so far in my life had a meaning , a purpose... a lesson well learnt.

Today, I am ready to take on new challenges and embark on new adventures, experiment further with my life and my time. Phew! What a feeling ! A feeling of exhilaration, a mixed bag of emotions all spiked up with the thought of starting fresh all over again.

Am joined by a few real good friends, who held my hand when I was slipping away.
Thanks for being there folks.

Am seeing the world from a whole new perspective, a resolve not to cow down to the emotional downturns that may come up, impediments meant to test me and my patience, my perseverance.

It's like being born again, looking at things from the eyes of a child just beginning to comprehend the mysteries of the world and all the trivia in it.

Things are looking positive.......... and on that note , I am out of here for some time...

Dasvidaniya.... Phir milenge

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