Friday, October 21, 2011

SPARKLE misses the spark....

Yup, no doubts about it. Sparkles moved on... Sparkles let go.... But, Sparkles is human.... Sparkles couldn't forget.... And hasn't forgotten..... Sparkle still checks you out....Sparkle still seeks you out... Sparkle still keeps an eye on you..... She is still there, where you left her..... Yes, she wandered..... listlessly. She groped in the dark...fell in ditches and hurt herself.... But, she came back to the same place, where you abandoned her....She stood there and decided to wait..... eternally.

Sparkle misses the spark in her life. She has no fire left within...just smouldering ash... that can still burn.Wretched is the word that best describes her state.........lonely is her soul. The spark that was there has diminished.... no life left within. You, I guess moved on.... she stood there.... timelessly and still...she stood staring into every face that passed by....searching for that familiar smile.

Sparkles missed the bus.... but, she walked on and on.... patiently waiting with abated breath for that one sign that said the signal was green. The signal never turned green.... she kept staring... the passers by came and went.... she stood steadfast... come hail and thunderstorm... she stood .... like that puppy dog...with the tongue hanging out and a loving look in the eye.

The world moved on..... Sparkles didn't. She thought she did, but she didn't. She was still there, she is still there.

Sparkle misses the spark........Come Diwali, and memories would come haunting...the sparklers being lit as a family will burn all senses down.

Sparkles misses the spark.

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