Saturday, October 29, 2011


He says I am fibbing....
He says I am hallucinating...
He says I am dreaming....
He doesn't believe me....
He doesn't believe my truth....
And the truth is ...
He doesn't belong to me anymore...
He never did....
He came back....
He sought me out....
But not for love....
Maybe a feeling of guilt...
That's not love....
Had it been...
He wouldn't have faulted again...
And, again.

It's his hallucination....
It's his disbelief....
He doesn't want to come...
To terms with reality....
And, the reality is harsh...
Reality is cruel...
Reality will hurt....
I don't wait upon him anymore.

I am committed elsewhere....
When I needed him...
He had shut me out....
I turned to the first ray of light...
It was not a mirage....
It was reality.
I was walking alone...
Alone in the rain....
My tears rolling down my cheeks...
No one saw them...
He did....
He didn't say anything...
But, he was there.
His strong shoulders supported my frail frame....
He was there....
When you were absconding.

Hallucination, this is not mine....
It is reality and I am living it.
Yes, you are hallucinating...
Waiting for me...
I have moved on....
Long ago, I moved on....
You stood there watching....
Someone else and her stocking.

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