Saturday, October 22, 2011

Any time any day....

Ask me to write.....
And, anytime any day I would write.
Ask me to lament....
And, anytime any day I would lament.
Ask me to nag.... My favourite passtime....
And, anytime any day I would nag.

Any time any day....
Ask me to love...
And, Love I would...
In all senses and deep rooted meanings of the word...
I swear I would love.
That's not my passtime , it's my time pass. Lol!!!

Surprised! The frigid maiden and love...
Yup, the frigid maiden can love and let love.
Love alone drives her...
Love makes her alive...
Love is the potion she drinks...
Love is the burden she carries.
Love she does....
In all its totality....
After all, she was born out of love.

Any time any day, ask me to smile...
Smile I would...
That's my forte'...
It comes naturally to me.

Ah, anger! Anytime any day ask me to get angry....
Rub me on the wrong side and lo behold!...
There I am, the angry self...
The angry woman....
Nothing can save you from me then and there ....
And, all is lost forever.
Bad, very bad...But,...
My anger knows no bounds....
My anger has burnt my house down....
My anger has splintered my life....
My anger is my own doing.
Control it, I can't.....
It just erupts out of nowhere.....
And, in that moment...
That very moment.....
My whole world falls apart.

But, what the heck....
I move on....
Bag and baggage....
In search of new abode.....
A new world to make...
A new world to explore.

Any time any day...
My suitcase is always ready...
Come join me in my journey...
But, don't rub me on the wrong side.

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