Thursday, October 20, 2011

I am alive.....

Glad to say....
And to your disappointment.....
I am alive.....
And kicking....
Thriving in an environment of discontent....
Yet living....
I am alive...alive am I.

A life I chose...
Away from yours....
I live and let live....
Isn't that what we all believe in...
believing in my belief...
I live... I am alive.

There's something to celebrate...
Some occasions to mourn...
Yet live I do...
Celebrating the little things...
Moving on ...
And letting go...
You too on the way....
A long way to go...
Yet, Go I will...
Move on I shall.....
I live .... I am alive.

There comes a time when all's not well....
There are times when I feel weak....
Yet, I am strong....
I know, I am......
I tackle it all....
I challenge the adversity.....
How much will it try me?...
Try, it should...
Full on....
Yet, I live... I am alive...
I am kicking....
Kicking butts for a living...
Living, I am....
Live, I do...
I am alive.

Somewhere down the memory lane...
I lost you...
Somehow, I moved on...
You found me....
I was glad...
Yet, you got lost again...
I moved on.
I lost my innocence....
Looking for you....
I lost my vanity....
Searching for you....
I lost myself......
When I lost you...
I lost you, yes I did....
Yet, I moved on....
I am living....
I live....
I am alive.

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