Wednesday, October 26, 2011

He has a mind of his own....

He has a mind of his own.....
Yes, he has....
Yet, I know...
He is mine....
Not to own....
But to experience....
To understand....
To love uninhibitedly.

He has a mind of his own.....
But, he is mine....
His mind is mine....
I occupy a space there....
That none other can...
Yes, with my size....
I occupy it whole....
Completely, body and soul.

He has a mind of his own...
But, with me around...
He is the puppy dog...
The sweet, loyal puppy dog...
With nothing but pure love ...
In those mesmerizing eyes.
He minces his words not...
He is clear....
No commitments....
But, an unsaid bond...
On an uncharted journey...
Love the idea of an adventure...
An adventure not foreseen...
A journey which unfolds....
With each passing moment....
An experience of a lifetime.

He has a mind of his own...
Yes, he has....
I am but a synapse in it....
A link to his feelings...
A link that stays him rooted....
A link that is grounded in his values....
A link in his system...
I am the link... to his heart.

I know not, what tomorrow holds...
I know what, my today holds....
A heart of gold in my palms.....
Throbbing and beating for me....
A heart that brings a smile to my lips...
A heart committed to me today.

He has a mind of his own...
But, his heart is mine.

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