Sunday, October 9, 2011

No words to express....

No words to express the feelings being felt these days....
These days am not myself.....
These days am seemingly lost....
Lost to myself and others.....
Friends and colleagues wonder.....
Where has my smile gone yonder.....
Here and there beyonder....
Up and down under.....
Somewhere with the receding monsoon thunder.

No words.... just feelings....
Expressive eyes and a sly but wry smile.....
Where has the bubbly laughter gone....
Where has the wrinkly closed eyes gone....
Where has the dimpled cheeks and cleft chin gone?

Now all that is there is....
A person skeptical....
A person wondering....
A person full of thoughts....
Filled with apprehension...
Looking at every person with distrust....
No words to express the change in persona...
No words to express the vanity lost....
No words to express the trust hindered...
No words to express the values compromised.

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