Monday, May 14, 2018

Why does he read her?

Is he guilty of something? 
Was he instrumental in flaring her temper, so he could cite that as incompatibility factor?
Is he reading to find what his action has made her do?

Or, is he just reading coz' he is plain outright guilty for outraging her modesty and then running away like a rat scurrying along a dark alleyway?
His reasons , he knows best ...
All she knows is that ...
He ran away ...
Instead of being a man he boasted to be ...
He ran away like a coward...
What is it with her and cowards ?

God knows his ways ...
Getting such cowards in her life ...
Making her happy temporarily and then ...
Vamoosh ...
They disappear ...
Suddenly they remember they have a life ...
They have a society to show their face to ...
They can't commit to her ...
They can't remain loyal to her ...
Suddenly her greys matter ...
Both on the scalp and within ...
Suddenly , she is too high and mighty ...
Her ego surfaces for them to complain about ...
Suddenly, she doesn't seem so appeasing to them ...
What a hypocrite!!!

Why does he read her?
He reads to read her mind ...
Little knowing that its a web of words and nothing else that she spins.

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