Monday, May 14, 2018

The great ocean...

The ocean calls her ...
Every day the great ocean beckons her...
Nudging at her senses ...
Bellowing sounds of waves in her ears...
The smell of the Sandy shores ...
The breeze of salt from Sea...
The taste of the ocean in her mouth ...
The feel of the wind on her sweaty skin ...
The sifting sandwich beneath ...
The Ocean , her father ...
Beckons her ...
Aaye daughter of the Seven Seas ...
Come forth my child ...
The World ain't the place for you...
The schools of fish remember you ...
Come swim beneath ...
The ocean floor awaits you ...
Ride the waves like a queen ...
Come claim your kingdom ...
Come forth my child ...
Your world awaits you ...
She takes the first step towards the Sandy dunes...
She looks behind...
There no one stopping her ...
She looks ahead at the vast expanse of blue ...
She takes the final plunge ..m
Diving into the mesmerizing aqua blue ...
Merging with the hues ...
Never to return to the land ...
For that's not her world to be.

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