Tuesday, May 15, 2018

It was good...

It was good while it lasted ...
Till it lasted it was good ...
The drives ...
Through winding roads ...
The walks along the paved paths ...
The food they gorged upon ...
The flights of fantasies they took.

The hilarious moments chronicled ...
Just a distant memory now ...
Nothing remains permanent...
In infinity lies the stakes...
Dreams unfulfilled...
Commitments broken...
Yes, but the memories remain...
In memories lie the vitality...
The birth of a new life.

The gift of life he gave her ...
She lives in those chapters...
The book unread ...
Unopened, all set to unleash...
The yesterday's meeting...
All those fragrant moments...
The bliss of living in a past not so distant...
She wouldn't miss a thing...
Just a click away...
Bound in moving slides ...
Life slips and slides away.

It was good while it lasted...
No regrets whatsoever.

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